9 months


It’s been a long time since my last post! The never ending tax season is still going. Month 20. I hit the wall and my blood pressure went thru the roof and I went on a hard STOP. I’m just starting to add some things back to my life.

Mostly, I got caught up in doing for others and not filling my own cup first. Now I’m only choosing me. I’m even changing my name.

There has been tiny moments of good, but so much sadness. So much death. There hasn’t been enough time to process it all.

This month I am having lunch with friends. As many as I can. I’ve done 5 so far. They are just as lonely and exhausted from the sadness as I am and are grateful that someone has reached out.

I’ve also done some retail therapy which has been great! Not really my thing and it showed, with me getting down to one pair of pants. One more way I am putting myself first. I couldn’t go out for lunch with the clothes I had so that was my motivation to shop.

It feels awkward to write again. I’m trying to stay out of my own head and get stuff done instead.