Puttering Along


Still doing some form of exercise a day and not being hard on myself is feeling pretty good these last couple weeks. Maybe, finally, grasping what “a lifestyle change” means. It’s more a series of small choices than an overhaul. It feels doable rather than overwhelming.

One of my new meds (an allergy med to relieve post nasal drip) makes me sleepy to the point that I’m yawning all day & my eyes get heavy when I drive. (Its once a day so i took it at night and slept great.) The last two nights I haven’t taken it and I was able to get out of bed before the sun came up which felt wonderful. I hate to miss a sunrise. Hopefully my sinuses are dried out so I can stay off of it, which was the long term goal anyways. I like the clear head feeling this morning!

Most of my garden is planted and my bird feeders are full. The neighbor saw 5 Orioles at once yesterday. The orange color is just brilliant. I wish I could watch the birds more often myself, but my neighbors are retired and it’s really for them. They can’t afford the seed anymore so I put the feeders where we both can watch. And everyday he peeks at the garden – he loves walking around it and guessing what I’ve planted.

Another Week Went By


That went fast! I finally got back to my normal summer routine, work Mon & Tues 9-3 and have the office phones forwarded to my cell. One new perk is being able to work from home. Clients can sign & pay online so I was able to get a few more returns wrapped up without having to drive in to the office. Win for them & me, especially when I’m waiting on just one little thing.

I’m feeling amazing! The new meds are great. Emotionally this week, I was super gentle on myself. This was my time to relax & rest and I did. Planted a couple fruit trees and my son found buried treasure – an old spoon and an army man – while digging the holes. Played some candy crush & spider solitaire and cooked a lot of frozen pizza. I didn’t write any to-do lists.

I did yoga class everyday, sometimes twice a day. Got a couple meditations done and I no longer need naps to get through the day. Finally ordered some groceries (ran out of pizza) and dark chocolate treats for myself.

I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the future of my business. Do I need two brick & mortar buildings? How many staff? How will clients feel if I do another year of drop off? Can I handle the extra burden if I only re-hire half my staff? They are good thoughts, not OMG what will I do?! thoughts. I can lead the change or I can react.

I want to lead, both in business and in my health. After all, this is my Year of Change. It feels uncomfortable so I know I’m pushing the right buttons.

A Good Weekend


Might not have felt great while I was in it, but from the perspective of a quiet, calm, sober Monday morning I will call the weekend a success.

I’m starting to get some proactive practices in place versus reactive. In the last two weeks I’ve done 16 yoga, garden or exercise sessions. I’ve stuck to a fairly consistent schedule. I started a new med that makes me sleepy so I’ve had excellent sleep.

From a positive reactive place, I’ve done some meditation when I had terrible racing thoughts. I ordered take out & a pop when I just couldn’t pull the morning together to make a lunch. I played yahtzee with my son while eating ice cream to avoid drinking. I ate a big meal to calm cravings. (No need to discuss the negative reactive actions!! Lol)

I cut waaayyy back on my to-do list at home. Just picking one thing that seems most urgent & doing it. Overall, a few things got accomplished, spent time outdoors with my quiet son and woke up with less racing thoughts than normal. That’s good.